Monday, July 30, 2007

VOLVO Jacket

I bought this jacket in England at an outdoor flea market - it was a black zip up jacket with a bright orange lining, and the word "VOLVO" stitched in orange and red on the upper pocket. I loved it, and carried it everywhere with me. On a plane trip to NY (I think) with my family, I wasn't feeling well, and used the jacket as a pillow between the seat and window. We had a connecting flight and when we started to board our second flight, I realized I didn't have it with me :( In my disorentation leaving the first flight, I had left it on the plane. I never saw it (or anything else like it) again. *sigh* it was such a cool jacket.

Last seen on a seat in a plane to New York, 1998.

Katerina, Chicago, Illinois

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