The following are stories of lost objects collected (and mapped, according to the locations where they were last seen) at last week's Event Horizon, in Somerville's Davis and Union Squares.
Rachel Smith of Somerville, MA, last saw her white umbrella with a black floral pattern in a taxi in Cambridge, MA, almost one year ago. She wrote, "I left it in a taxi when it was pouring rain out. I still can't believe I forgot it - I had it for three years. It was a souvenir from London, so it meant a lot."
Rachel G., also of Somerville, had two lost object stories, beginning with a book - The Tender Bar - last seen in January 2007 in Lima, Peru. "I was staying with friends of a friend," she wrote, "when I packed my bag again, the book was not there." She also lost a pair of purple floral underwear in Skopje, Macedonia, in August 2005. She added, "Seven girls, one hotel room. It was a little chaotic."
Jessica S-D, of Boston, lost a silver scarf in a Super 88 cafeteria sometime this spring. "I left my scarf on the chair," she wrote, "and when I went back to get it the staff said they threw it away."
Hannah, of Somerville, lost her keys in New York City on April 11, 2008. She doesn't know exactly how they were lost but assumes she left them in an Amtrak train or in a taxi.
Elena, from Cambridge, MA, forgot her black jacket at a 5 star restaurant in Paris, France, in June 2005.
Jesse J. of Boston has no idea how a red leather jacket went missing in May 2002, somewhere between Berlin and Leipzig.
Moving away from literal objects, Sarah of Zhejiaing, China, wrote about how she gave her heart to a careless French man in October 2006. Location last seen: Hangzhou, West Lake.
A group of children originally from India, now living in Somerville, wrote cryptic notes about how they lost mice, a doll, a game card of some sort, and a wallet. The one little girl among them blamed one of her brothers for the lost doll.