Monday, November 10, 2008

Baby Cradle

I do not know how I lost it. We moved everything out of the unit and into our new house but somehow this gargantuan antique cradle did not make it. Since then, I have also lost a set of keys and 3 large photo albums at my mom's house, my grandma's wedding set and my class ring which I last saw about a year ago.

Last seen in a storage unit in 2005.

Sara Frazier, Elko, NV

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Stories from Event Horizon

The following are stories of lost objects collected (and mapped, according to the locations where they were last seen) at last week's Event Horizon, in Somerville's Davis and Union Squares.

Rachel Smith of Somerville, MA, last saw her white umbrella with a black floral pattern in a taxi in Cambridge, MA, almost one year ago. She wrote, "I left it in a taxi when it was pouring rain out. I still can't believe I forgot it - I had it for three years. It was a souvenir from London, so it meant a lot."

Rachel G., also of Somerville, had two lost object stories, beginning with a book - The Tender Bar - last seen in January 2007 in Lima, Peru. "I was staying with friends of a friend," she wrote, "when I packed my bag again, the book was not there." She also lost a pair of purple floral underwear in Skopje, Macedonia, in August 2005. She added, "Seven girls, one hotel room. It was a little chaotic."

Jessica S-D, of Boston, lost a silver scarf in a Super 88 cafeteria sometime this spring. "I left my scarf on the chair," she wrote, "and when I went back to get it the staff said they threw it away."

Hannah, of Somerville, lost her keys in New York City on April 11, 2008. She doesn't know exactly how they were lost but assumes she left them in an Amtrak train or in a taxi.

Elena, from Cambridge, MA, forgot her black jacket at a 5 star restaurant in Paris, France, in June 2005.

Jesse J. of Boston has no idea how a red leather jacket went missing in May 2002, somewhere between Berlin and Leipzig.

Moving away from literal objects, Sarah of Zhejiaing, China, wrote about how she gave her heart to a careless French man in October 2006. Location last seen: Hangzhou, West Lake.

A group of children originally from India, now living in Somerville, wrote cryptic notes about how they lost mice, a doll, a game card of some sort, and a wallet. The one little girl among them blamed one of her brothers for the lost doll.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Set of Vinyl Monster Miniatures

It was a childhood toy, and I grew up.

Last seen in 1995 in Singapore.

Ian C., Boston, MA

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Book of Poems

Well I guess I have always had this love of poetry. Quite frankly if I hadn't been discovered as rather decent looking in college (after years of abysmal nerdiness) and let it get to my head, I would have minored in English. Instead, I stayed on the path of helping others find and cure their demons (psychologically or physiologically). Okay so back to what I lost. I am like the elderly parodied on 90's comedy sitcoms that frequently digress and then lose their train of thought...."kinda reminds me of the time I....." Okay, so my 4th grade teacher gave me a book of poetry and I devoured it. I even created a melody to this one poem and would sing it. To this day, I am not quite sure what the title of the poem is, but I know it could be found in an elementary english textbook that featured compilations of poems. When my family moved to a better part of town the book was lost. I think of that poem often and have tried in vain to find it. I don't know why it spoke to me so profoundly, but I guess like artwork, the interpretation is in the eye of the beholder. I am rounding the big 4-0 and remember parts of this poem from when I was probably 8 or 9 years old. Anyone out there know where to find the complete poem, I would so welcome your help. Part of it goes like this: "Now touch the air softly, step gently one two. I love you til windows are all of a room. And the table is laid and the table is bare. And the ceiling reposes on bottomless air." Amazing how the simple things are the most enduring and endearing. Thank you for this opportunity to clear the shelves of my mind and search for a forgotten love.

Last seen mid-70s, Bridgeport, CT.

Bird, CT

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Silver Ring with Light Green Stone

Most of mom's jewelry was stolen long ago by robbers watching her comings and goings as they replaced roof shingles on the neighbor's house. She is elderly now and has been giving my three sisters the last few pieces she has each year, things that were missed by the thieves. Perhaps thinking I'd feel left out, she gives me a trifle too sometimes.

She had to go into the hospital this Christmas, alerting us to her mortality.

I entered her house alone to fetch her a sweater and saw an envelope addressed to me with holiday stickers all over it. I opened it to find an old silver ring with a translucent pale green stone; inside the envelope it read "Maybe a pinkie ring?"

I was very touched and wondered if this might be the last Christmas gift I would receive from her. Blurry minded, I put the ring and envelope in my pocket, and toyed with the ring and my coins the rest of the day.

I lost the ring soon after. I am very disheartened, but still have the envelope with her note and stickers on it.

Last seen in Redlands, California, on January 3, 2008.

Drewl, Chicago, Illinois

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Labyrinth Pendant

When I was 16 my best friend and I were on a class trip in San Francisco; we visited Grace cathedral and spent a long time walking around the labyrinth there, which is a copy of the labyrinth at Chartres Cathedral in France. The following summer my best friend went to France with her family and visited Chartres. She brought me back a pendant with the pattern of the labyrinth - I loved it. The following year I was in NYC and the pendant disappeared out of my hotel room (lost or stolen). I was upset about it for years.

When I was 20 my father and I were in France together. I insisted that we go to Chartres. The stain glass is stunning. I replaced the pendant. I wear it with a few other charms every day.

Original last seen in a hotel room in New York City.

E.S.W., Boston, Massachusetts